Friday, April 15, 2016

Bitchwanti, Burkha & Ornob – A Fictional Satire on Indian Politics & Media

This fictional political satire was first posted on

A senior journalist of leading news channel Niharika Bose was waiting at the cafeteria of a five star hotel in anticipation of the big breaking news. She has harboured long her dreams to create a meaningful impact against the proceedings of the current government and regain the control over Lutyen's Delhi.

Exactly nine past ten, walked in Bitchwanti, in her signature noodle strap blouse, draped in Rina Dhaka saree. Bitchwanti was a socialist cum PETA activist, who was a regular in the not so cattle class of political, fashion and Bollywood circle.

What happened next...Read the full post on : or click on the link above.

Also check out the review of new Sarabjit Trailer here :

1 comment:

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